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Cloudland Coffee Company

Ethiopia - Natural Processed

Regular price $15.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.49 USD
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Grind Type

Tasting Notes: Cinnamon, Clove, Hibiscus, Lemon, Pear, Winey

Country: Ethiopia

Region: Yirgacheffe

Farm: Chelbesa Wet Mill

Body: Medium

Acidity: Medium

Process: Natural

This is our first natural-processed coffee that we have offered in a very long time. This coffee comes from the Chelbesa kebele (village) located in the region of Yirgacheffe. This region of Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee. With the naturally processed coffee, the coffee is picked at its ripest and the cherries are not removed from the beans (as opposed to washed, when the cherries are cleaned off shortly after picking). The cherries are laid out onto drying beds for up to four weeks and are turned very often to allow even drying and to prevent spoilage. The drier weather of the Yirgacheffe region is also an ideal environment for this type of process. Once the cherries are dried, the beans are removed from the fruit and then prepared for export.